2 results for month: 07/2010
Through the Eyes of Haitian Children opening at Venice Arts
Elysa Voshell, Venice Arts
310–578-1745 | elysa@venice-arts.org
WHAT: Through the Eyes of Haitian Children, photographs of Haitian life taken before and after the devastating earthquake by youth participants in the Haiti-based project Zanmi Lakay (Haitian Creole for Friend’s Home). The project has been working with street children in Haiti for over 13 years, and was recently featured on “Lens,” the photo blog of the New York Times. The Price of Sugar, a film screening about Haitians working in slave-like conditions in the Dominican sugar industry, will augment the exhibition. Open to the public and free-of-cha...
Article on our students work at the Palm Beach Photo Centre
A nice article that includes Zanmi Lakay's photography students from Art Creation Foundation for Children and their participation in a show at the Palm Beach Photographic Center - so proud!