3 results for month: 12/2012

Photo of the Week #44

Assignment: Self Portrait 2012©Nynedya Bazile, age 19 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2012

Photo of the Week #43

Assignment: Tent Camps 2012©Rodyle "Palaso" Eustache, age 20 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2012  

Photo of the Week #42

Girls with attitude. It was Djounie's first Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto -Youth Photo Camp, and she proved newcomers have amazing talent with her vertical portraits. 2012©Djounie Turin, age 12 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2012