13 results for month: 05/2013

Photo of the Week #57

One of the assignments during our Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto (Youth Photo Camp), is for the students to take a self portrait and this one created quite the buzz. This is Fanfan as Tonton Bicha, a famous Haitian comedian. 2011©Fanfan Petit-Frere, age 18 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2011

Photo of the Week #56

Homeless Boys. Our student Jimmy lived at Lafanmi Selavi (a home for street children created by Jean-Bertrand Aristide) when he was a boy, and lived out on the streets after it closed. Jimmy was never in one of our formal Photography Workshops, but received one on one lessons, mentoring, and shot a lot of film. In 2003, Jimmy was taken away and killed by the Haitian National Police. 2000©Jimmy, age 17, Port-au-Prince

Fundraising Fashion Event in San Francisco May 4, 2013

Zanmi Lakay will make a short presentation and have a Ti Maché set up for purchasing Haitian art. Haitian musician Ti Rosemond will also be performing!