Update from Haiti #1
We made it to Haiti yesterday via flight from Miami to Santo Domingo, a cheap hotel run by an old guy from Vancouver, Canada, then took a 6 hour bus ride the next day to PauP. We were picked up by our friend Dr. Max, and the drive from Tabarre (the parking lot where we were dropped off that was full of soldiers) to Paco (neighborhood where we are staying) was devastating. We didn’t see much, but so many buildings are gone and we encountered ‘the smell’ 3 times. A place we stayed a few years ago is completely gone. We camped out in our tent in the parking lot of our place here with all the other residents. Surreal. This afteroon we will visit the kids at the old Lafanmi Selavi building and also a clinic at a tent city where we have already donated medical supplies to one of the doctors. We brought over 220 lbs. of supplies and it wasn’t enough. Tent cities are everywhere. But we are making people happy with the solar/windup radio flashlights. There is no electricity. Haitians are crowding the markets, yet many streets are completely empty. We took a taxi this morning to get our rental car and he only had one fare besides us. No school at all. We will check in again when we can and post photos.