Teaching Photography in Haiti – Video about Zanmi Lakay’s Photography Workshops

Yay! Kuba's video about our Photography Workshops in Haiti is viewer ready! Zanmi Lakay has been teaching photography to street children in Haiti since 1997, and we're excited to finally share this first person account about how photography can teach, heal, and empower these kids. What can we say? Kuba (Jakub Mosur) worked his tail off in Haiti following Michou, one of our star students, around constantly so he wouldn't miss anything, and still fully participated as an equal team leader during our first Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto in 2011 (he came in 2012 too!). His standards are ...

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Photo of the Week #65

The ACFFC crew design and produce mosaic butterflies, birds, and flowers, and prepare to teach visitors with their new skills. (Fedno and I were experimenting with different approaches using the goggles.) 2012©Zanmi Lakay Photography Workshops, Jacmel.

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Photo of the Week #64

Portrait of one of our star photography students, Lamar Wistlyn of Cite Soleil , taken by his classmates in our Portrait Workshop in 2012. The students worked as a group taking turns as subject, assistant, and photographer so they could become acquainted with the process used in a portrait studio. More elaborate business development training coming this July during Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto - Youth Photo Camp - in Jacmel! 2012©Zanmi Lakay Photography Workshops

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Photo of the Week #63

Kuba and Michou's goodbye became a great photo op for our volunteer photographers. The two became great friends in 2011 during Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto because Michou was the subject of Kuba's beautiful video. Thank you Kuba and Michou, and everyone involved in our incredible first annual Youth Photo Camp! 2011©Jennifer Pantaléon

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Photo of the Week #62 – The Masks of Jacques Eugene

In support of Haitian artisans, enjoy some of the many faces created by Jacques Eugene of Croix des Bouquets. All masks are made of recycled oil drum metal and various other items (including spark plugs, spoons, and bicycle chains). All of these recycled metal masks are for sale: small-$35, medium-$45, and large-$85. Please contact us if you're interested.

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Photo of the Week #61

The mosaic team from ACFFC work on their latest mural in Jacmel. The team, established and trained by Laurel True, have created over 20 mosaic murals and now design and install them on their own. Zanmi Lakay's star photography student, Fedno Lubin, has been documenting all of their work. 2013©Fedno Lubin (ACFFC)

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Happy Spring! Photo of the Week #60

Assignment: The Beach 2012©Ti Charles Richardson, age 21 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2012

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Photo of the Week #59

Kimberly, one of the children in our School Sponsorship Program, gets a little help from her mom while getting ready for school. Jacmel. 2012©Fedno Lubin (ACFFC)

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Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2013 (Youth Photo Camp) Dates Announced! (Photo of the Week #58)

Dates for our third annual Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto (Youth Photo Camp) in Jacmel are July 26-August 6, 2013! The opening night reception for the Photo Exhibition is Saturday August 3, 2013, at the Fosaj Art Center! Save the date!! 2012©Jennifer Pantaléon

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Photo of the Week #57

One of the assignments during our Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto (Youth Photo Camp), is for the students to take a self portrait and this one created quite the buzz. This is Fanfan as Tonton Bicha, a famous Haitian comedian. 2011©Fanfan Petit-Frere, age 18 (ACFFC), Zanmi Lakay's Jouk Li Jou Kan Foto 2011

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