9 results for month: 01/2010

Haiti Update #2-Saturday 30 January 2010

Not sure where to begin or where I left off. Internet access comes and goes, but we are lucky to have it at all. There is no electricity that we found in PauP, but there are generators and some internet access. All bathing is cold bucket showers. Safe food for us nonHaitians is scarce, so are glad we brought probars (and Susie’s trail mix!). But I still got pretty sick a couple nights ago eating at a good place (I won’t name names), but I’m ok now. We also haven’t seen any TV news since we came here so have no idea what the world out there is seeing. Port-au-Prince is no longer the same. Champs Mars is now a tent city and you can smell the ...

Update from Haiti #1

We made it to Haiti yesterday via flight from Miami to Santo Domingo, a cheap hotel run by an old guy from Vancouver, Canada, then took a 6 hour bus ride the next day to PauP. We were picked up by our friend Dr. Max, and the drive from Tabarre (the parking lot where we were dropped off that was full of soldiers) to Paco (neighborhood where we are staying) was devastating. We didn't see much, but so many buildings are gone and we encountered 'the smell' 3 times. A place we stayed a few years ago is completely gone. We camped out in our tent in the parking lot of our place here with all the other residents. Surreal. This afteroon we will visit the kids ...

UNICEF interviews Bruno from ACFFC

A young Haitian earthquake survivor uses art to cope with disaster NEW YORK, USA, 22 January 2010 – Until their home was destroyed in last week’s earthquake, Bruno Rene, 18, lived with his mother in the southern Haitian port city of Jacmel. Since then, Bruno, an aspiring artist, has been working on art projects to cope with the impact of the disaster. Bruno spoke with UNICEF Radio by phone from Jacmel, describing his experience during the earthquake and in its aftermath.

Earthquake Relief Update

Dear Friends, First I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support for us, for Haiti, and for the outpouring of love and mobilization during this devastating crisis. Guy and I have had to change our tickets because American Airlines cancelled our flight to PauP. We are flying in via the DR January 26th and making our way into Haiti-the alternative route being taken to get in. We have all the medical supplies and Care Bags we can carry, have secured a vehicle once we're in PauP, and are bringing cash to buy and deliver food and supplies to our family, the children in our programs, and other groups we collaborate with. One of Guy's ...


The first time I met Papouche he was 8-years old and living at Lafanmi Selavi, a home where hundreds of street children lived and went to school, bathed and ate everyday. I have photographed him more than any other child I know in Haiti for the simple fact that he loved having his picture taken, even when he was feeling shy or in a bad mood. I watched him through the years as he grew taller than me. When Lafanmi Selavi closed in 1999, Papouche had no where to go and was living back out on the streets. I didn't know what happened to him until one night we discovered him in front of a restaurant begging for food. A year later we ran into him by chance ...

The most important article you will read about Haiti

andy-kershaw-stop-treating-these-people-like-savages-1874218.html I was just forwarded this article and wanted to encourage everyone to please read it. If you really want to understand Haiti and where the Haitian people are coming from then this is the article. It is worth your time. Please share it. Thanks. Jen

Haiti Relief Donation Based Class with Debbie Steingesser & Live Music by Marla Leigh

What's New at Bernal Yoga? MLK Day January, 18th (12:00-1:30pm) Suggested donation $10-$15 [Any amount you would like to give is welcome, please bring cash or checks. Checks can be made out directly to Zanmi Lakay ,a Bay Area based non-profit, dedicated to helping Haitian children.] Join us on Martin Luther King day for a special extended yoga class with live music to raise money for Haitian Earthquake victims. 100% of the proceeds will go to Zanmi Lakay, a Bay Area based non-profit organization dedicated to helping Haitian Children. Jen who runs the non-profit will be showing documentary photos from Haiti in the lobby and will be available to talk ...

Haiti Earthquake Update – Emergency Relief and What you can do

Zanmi Lakay is committed to supporting street children in Haiti. The situation is devastating. We work with extremely marginalized youth and their circumstances are now more dire than ever. Guy and I and Susan Bradley have already made plans and purchased tickets to be in Haiti January 26-February 18th, and we’ve decided we are still going although our priorities have changed. We are bringing in donations of Care Bags, sneakers, medical supplies, and other general living needs, and asking for your help in the form of tax-deductible donations. If we bring in more goods, then contributed money will go to pay airline luggage fees and we would rather ...

Earthquake in Haiti

The earthquake in Haiti has been completely devastating. I encourage all of you to seek out information of the widespread damage and ways to help. Right now there is still so much chaos that it is hard to tell exactly what is going on, but we are sure it will be horrific for many. Doctors without Borders and the Red Cross are already working and are a good start. We will also need more help for the hundreds of children we work with. Guy and I were planning on going to Haiti on January 25th and we are still going. Susan Bradley, who came with us last year and is now on the Board of Directors, is also coming with us. Our priorities have of course ...